Society Requirements for Program Evaluator Candidates

In addition to ABET qualifications and training, many ABET Member Societies have additional requirements, which are listed below. If you have any questions about society-specific requirements, please contact your society liaison.

AAEES – American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists

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Applicants must be a:

  • Board Certified Environmental Engineer; or a
  • Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member.

Recruitment Timeline
There are no AAEES-specific timelines, but AAEES recommends that application be made through ABET no later than March 1.

Society Contact
David A. Chin

ACerS – American Ceramic Society’s National Institute of Ceramic Engineers

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Applicants should be a member of both ACerS and TMS.

Additional Society-Required Training
Applicants should apply to be a program evaluator for TMS, in addition to the program evaluator application for ACerS.

Recruitment Timeline

Society Contacts
Yolanda Natividad

Janet Callahan

AIAA – American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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  • Current membership in AIAA and membership for at least the 3 previous years
  • At least 10 years of professional experience in aerospace, aeronautics and/or astronautics acquired in industry, academe, government or some combination of these sectors
  • An educational and/or professional background that includes significant experience with aerospace, aeronautical and/or astronautical engineering education as evidenced at least one of the following: (1) one or more degrees in aerospace/aeronautical/astronautical engineering, (2) participation in AIAA educational activities, or (3) other substantial engagement with aerospace related engineering education.
  • Direct experience with one or more of the disciplines listed in the ABET Program Criteria for aeronautical or astronautical engineering.

Additional Society-Required Training

Recruitment Timeline

Society Contacts
William Garrard

Michael Lagana

AIChE – American Institute of Chemical Engineers

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Program evaluators must be current members of AIChE.

Additional Society-Required Training
After completion of ABET’s Program Evaluator Candidate Training, applicants must participate in an accreditation visit as an observer in order to receive final approval as an AIChE program evaluator. Successful applicants are generally nominated for an observation visit in the fall immediately following their ABET training. All AIChE program evaluators receive annual instructions with updated program-specific criteria interpretation and other information.

Recruitment Timeline

Society Contact
Randy Lewis

AIHA – American Industrial Hygiene Association

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Qualifications and Training
An AIHA Program Evaluator must be an AIHA member in good standing and be certified by the Board for Global EHS Credentialing as a Certified Industrial Hygienist. AIHA strongly encourages potential volunteers to attend the annual meeting of the AIHA Academic Accreditation Panel.

Additional Society-Required Training
After completion of ABET’s Program Evaluator Candidate Training, applicants must complete the AIHA Industrial Hygiene and Similarly Named Program Criteria TrainingApplicants may also be required to participate in an accreditation review as an observer, in order to receive final approval as an AIHA program evaluator.  Successful applicants are generally nominated for an observation visit in the fall immediately following their ABET and AIHA training.

Recruitment Timeline

Society Contact

Thursa Pecoraro
+1 703.846.0768

ANS – American Nuclear Society

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  • should be graduates of an ABET-accredited nuclear engineering or nuclear engineering technology program,
  • must be national members of ANS, and
  • have a strong interest in academic accreditation activities.

Additional Society-Required Training
Each program evaluator candidate is highly encouraged to go on an observer visit.

Recruitment Timeline

Society Contact
Youssef Shatilla

ASABE – American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers

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Applicants must be a member of ASABE in good standing.

Additional Society-Required Training
After completion of ABET’s Program Evaluator Candidate Training, applicants must participate in an accreditation visit as an observer in order to receive final approval as an ASABE program evaluator. Successful applicants are generally nominated for an observation visit in the fall immediately following their ABET training.

ASABE’s ABET Program Evaluator Team
ASABE members from academia, industry and government can contribute to ABET’s peer-review accreditation process—download ASABE’s ABET Program Evaluator Team flyer below to learn more!

For information about qualifications, training, and timeline, contact:
Joann McQuone

ASCE – American Society of Civil Engineers

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Applicants must have:

  • A demonstrated interest in improving engineering education;
  • Current registration as a professional engineer in the United States, or have commensurate qualifications by virtue of education and experience;
  • At least 10 years of experience in the practice of engineering (e.g., in industry, private practice, construction, engineering education);
  • A willingness to conduct visits and perform all associated activities in accordance with ASCE and ABET requirements.
  • Membership in ASCE at the Member or Fellow grade.

Recruitment Timeline
No formal deadline but PEV applications are reviewed October – December.

For information about qualifications, training, and timeline, contact:
Dion Coward

ASEE – American Society for Engineering Education

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Applicants must:

  • Be a member or fellow of the ASEE, except that an employee of a corporate member of ASEE may be selected as a program evaluator. The President of the ASEE, upon recommendation of the chair of the ASEE/AAC, may waive this requirement in individual cases;
  • Have a minimum of ten (10) years of academic, business or government experience in engineering or engineering technology;
  • Have appropriate technical competence;
  • Have current familiarity with and an interest in programs for which ASEE is the lead society;
  • Analytical ability, communication skills, and personal maturity commensurate with the requirements of an evaluator’s assignments;
  • Be sensitive to the needs and potentialities of women and minorities with respect to engineering and engineering technology education and the associated professions;
  • Have formal education to the master’s degree level or the Ph.D. level, or recognized distinction in the practice of engineering and/or engineering technology;
  • Have a stated willingness and ability to accept a six-year appointment as an evaluator and attend ABET required training workshops;
  • Have a stated willingness and ability to conduct visits and all associated activities in accordance with the requirements, established by ABET and the ASEE through the ASEE/AAC, governing accreditation visits, including absence of impeding conflicts of interest, as defined by ABET; and
  • In the case of an academic nominee/applicant, be associated with an engineering or engineering technology program accredited by either the ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) or the ABET Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC).
    • In support of building a pool of reviewers available for a growing number of programs outside the US, the above requirement can be waived by ASEE/AAC for persons based outside the US who will undergo visitor training.
    • Additionally, in support of building a more diverse pool of domestic reviewers, the above requirement can be waived by ASEE/AAC for persons based within the US who will undergo visitor training.

Additional Society-Required Training

Recruitment Timeline
Applications are collected throughout the year. The annual application deadline is end of December. Applicants will be notified by March 1 of the following year

Society Contact
Cathy Kouko


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ASHRAE looks for persons active in academia and industry who are interested in improving engineering education through the ABET accreditation process. Program Evaluators must be current members of ASHRAE at Member or Fellow grade. Program Evaluators must also have an engineering degree in the HVAC&R field.

Additional Society-Required Training

Recruitment Timeline
Applications are reviewed throughout the year.

Society Contact
Katie Thomson

ASME – American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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Applicants must:

  • Be a member of ASME.
  • Have formal education to at least the master’s degree level (Ph.D. preferred) in mechanical engineering or closely related field. Applicants applying solely under the ME Technology (MET) discipline must have a graduate degree or PE registration in mechanical engineering or closely related field.
  • Have a minimum of ten (10) years of significant academic, industry, and/or government experience in engineering. Applicants applying solely under the ME Technology (MET) discipline must have a minimum of 5 years of significant experience in engineering (academic, industry, government); time as a graduate student is not counted towards the experience requirement.

If selected, the role of the Program Evaluator requires formal training and a minimum of a five-year commitment to serve.

To keep ASME/ABET program evaluators current and active, the society annually selects and supports only as many new program evaluators as are necessary to meet projected demand and attrition.

The work of accreditation is highly important and a rewarding contribution to the profession. Quality is paramount, as is continuous improvement. Please understand that program evaluator performance is formally appraised and shared during training and in the course of each and every accreditation visit thereafter. Each selected program evaluator candidate will be partnered with an experienced mentor.

In support of ABET’s global growth, individually selected, highly experienced ASME program evaluators participate in accreditation visits outside the U.S. ASME also selects and deploys a limited number of program evaluators from outside the U.S. to serve on accreditation teams assessing ME and related degree programs at U.S. institutions. Program evaluator candidates for such positions must meet the above criteria, be demonstrably professionally fluent in written and spoken English, and possess at least one academic degree from a U.S. institution.

Recruitment Timeline
Applications are reviewed in October to be considered for the following year.

For information about training and timeline, contact:
Geraldine Gooding/Cheryl Hasan

ASSP – American Society of Safety Professionals

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Applicants should have an advanced degree in a safety-related discipline.

Additional Society-Required Training
Please consult the society contact for more information.

Recruitment Timeline
Applications are reviewed in March or April.

Society Contact
Sue Trebswether

BMES – Biomedical Engineering Society

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An applicant:

  • must have a baccalaureate degree in bio/biomedical engineering or a closely related engineering field.  Preference will be given to those who have degrees from ABET-accredited programs
  • typically has at least 6 years of post-baccalaureate experience in a bio/biomedical engineering position in industry, government and/or academia, excluding years of full-time education and training
  • must be a member of BMES and/or one of the cooperating societies.*

Additional Society-Required Training
To become an evaluator, each candidate must complete ABET’s Program Evaluator Candidate Training. Once the candidate becomes an active program evaluator, they are required to view a BMES webinar for annual training related to the program criteria and other information

Recruitment Timeline
Program evaluator applications should be submitted through the ABET application process by December 31. Applications are reviewed annually in January.

*Cooperating Societies include: American Ceramic Society, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Society Contact
Deborah Wells

Jon Moon

CMAA – Construction Management Association of America

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  • A demonstrated interest in improving construction management education
  • A willingness to conduct visits and perform all associated activities in accordance with CMAA and ABET requirements
  • Membership in CMAA

CM Practitioner program evaluator applicants must:

  • Be currently certified by the Construction Manager Certification Institute (CMCI) as a Certified Construction Manager (CCM); or, be a member of the CMAA College of Fellows

Academic program evaluator applicants must:

  • An academic program evaluator must hold an associate professor or professor rank and have a minimum of ten (10) years academic experience in Construction Management
  • A formal education to at least the master’s degree level (Ph.D. preferred)

Society Contact
Colin Biddle

CSAB, Inc.

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All applicants must have membership in the ACM, ASA or the IEEE-CS, and additional professional involvement is preferred. Good communication skills are critical.

For Academic Program Evaluators

  • Evaluators need to be able to participate effectively in an evaluation. They need to understand the academic and curricular issues in depth.
  • An academic program evaluator must hold a tenured or non-tenured associate professor or professor rank in a computing or computing-related discipline, or equivalent.

Preferably, an academic program evaluator should have the following:

  • Continuing contact with undergraduate computing students (e.g., teaching and advising)
  • Experience in evaluating and/or defining computing programs, preferably active involvement in preparing for ABET accreditation

For Non-Academic Program Evaluators

  • Evaluators need to be able to participate effectively in an evaluation. They need to understand the academic and curricular issues in depth.
  • A non-academic program evaluators must hold at least a master’s degree and have at least one degree in a computing or computing-related discipline.

Preferably, a non-academic program evaluators should have the following:

  • Five years of experience as a working practitioner in a computing-related field
  • Recent contact with B.S. computing graduates
  • Experience in evaluating the graduates of B.S. computing programs (e.g., recruiting, hiring, interviewing and supervising them)

Other useful experiences include:

  • One year of management experience in a computing-related discipline
  • Experience in evaluating computing programs (e.g., industrial advisory committees, curriculum committees, undergraduate teaching experience)
  • Experience in evaluating the criteria for success in a computing career (e.g., career monitoring, academic advisory activities, making hiring and promotion decisions)

Additional Considerations
Applications are evaluated based on a number of factors in addition to the minimum qualifications above. These should be evident on the ABET application form:

  • Written English proficiency
  • Written communication skills
  • Technical currency

Applications that do not contain sufficient detail will be disregarded. Vitae are not considered as substitutions for incomplete application forms.

Selection may also take into consideration other factors related to the composition of CSAB’s entire program evaluator pool, including the need for a broad mix of evaluators representing different institution types, ethnicities, genders, geographic regions, professional backgrounds and educational experiences. The projected demand for accreditation in each CSAB discipline is also a factor.

Additional Society-Required Training
Program criteria training in computer science, cybersecurity, data science, information systems, information technology and software engineering.

Recruitment Timeline
Applications are due November 30.

Society Contact

IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Qualifications and Additional Training
Please see the IEEE website for detailed information.

Recruitment Timeline
Applications are collected throughout the year. The annual application deadline is the first Friday in November. Applicants will be notified by March 31 of the following year.

Society Contact

IISE – Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers

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Applicants must:

  • Hold at least one degree from an ABET-accredited program in industrial engineering or a closely related discipline area (e.g., engineering management, operations research).
  • Be a Senior Member of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers.

Additional Society-Required Training
Applicants must complete both Industrial Engineering Program Criteria training (via email) and an observer visit before appointment as an IISE ABET program evaluator.

Recruitment Timeline
Candidates are identified from January to March.
Industrial Engineering Program Criteria training is conducted in June and July.
Observer visits are scheduled for September through December.

Society Contact
Jerome Lavelle

INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering

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Applicants should be active members of INCOSE who have demonstrated an interest in education, either at the local chapter level or at the international level through activities such as participation at the annual International Workshop or the annual International Symposium. Applicants should also contact INCOSE’s liaison to ABET at to determine if their background fits current program evaluator team requirements.

Additional Society-Required Training

Recruitment Timeline

Society Contact
Stephen J. Sutton

ISA – International Society of Automation

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Applicants must have experience in automation, process control, instrumentation, measurement, and other similar disciplines.

Additional Society-Required Training

Recruitment Timeline
October through March

Society Contact
Kim Belinski

NSPE – National Society of Professional Engineers

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Applicants must be a NSPE Members.

Additional Society-Required Training 

Recruitment Timeline 

Society Contact
Rebecca Bowman

NSPS – National Society of Professional Surveyors

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  • Demonstrated interest in improving surveying education.
  • Current registration as a Professional Land Surveyor in the U.S., or commensurate qualifications by virtue of education and experience.
  • Evidence that the individual is clearly established in the field (e.g. In industry, private practice, construction, geospatial/GIS, and/or surveying education.
  • Willingness to conduct visits and perform all associated activities in accordance with NSPS and ABET requirements.
  • Membership in NSPS at the Member or Fellow grade.
  • Receive a positive recommendation from the ABET training program.

Recruitment Timeline

  • Applications are reviewed as received.
  • ABET training takes place in the spring of each year.

Society Contact

Robert Schmidt

SAE International – Society of Automotive Engineers

Visit website

For information on qualifications, training, and timeline, contact:
Allison Hostetler

SFPE – Society of Fire Protection Engineers

Visit website

Applicants must be SPFE Professional Members.

Additional Society-Required Training

Recruitment Timeline

Society Contact
Glynis Thompson


Visit website

Recruitment Timeline
Submissions before November will be considered for the following year.

For information about qualifications, training, and timeline, contact:
Suzy Marzano
Fax: 313.425.3415

SME-AIME – Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration

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Program Evaluator applicants must:

  • Be SME members in good standing
  • Complete the SME training offered at each Annual Meeting regarding the program-specific criteria for geological engineering and mining engineering
  • Successfully complete an observation visit with an ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission

In addition, applicants will most likely participate in an accreditation visit for a civil engineering program as an observer.

Additional Society-Required Training
All Program Evaluators are required to attend a training session every other year, which is conducted at the SME Annual Meeting in late February.

Recruitment Timeline

Society Contact
Mona Vandervoort

SNAME – Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Visit website

Applicant must be a SNAME member.

Additional Society-Required Training

Recruitment Timeline

For information about qualifications, training and timeline, contact:
Katherine Terwilliger

SPE – Society of Petroleum Engineers

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Employment in work related to the petroleum industry AND one of the following:

  • A university degree equivalent to a four-year bachelor’s degree in engineering or basic or applied sciences
  • A two-year science or engineering degree or a four-year degree in a field other than science or engineering
  • Six years of active practice in support of petroleum engineering or in the application of science to the petroleum industry

Additional Society-Required Training

Recruitment Timeline

Society Contact
Mahesh Jayaraman

SPIE – International Society for Optics and Photonics

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Applicants for SPIE program evaluator service shall meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Member of SPIE in good standing
  • Minimum of ten (10) years of academic, business, or government experience in optical or photonics engineering
  • MS/PhD or equivalent experience preferred
  • Substantial involvement with an institution having ABET-accredited engineering programs or working experience with graduates from engineering programs and interest in optics and photonics education
  • Ability to attend and complete program evaluator training
  • Willingness to serve as a program evaluator for a minimum of five (5) years
  • Ability to participate in a minimum of one (1) accreditation visit every two (2) years, on average

Recruitment Timeline

Society Contact
Laura Sharik

TMS – The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society

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To be considered for an appointment by TMS as a program evaluator, the individual must (a) have been actively practicing or teaching metallurgical or materials engineering during the preceding six years and (b) have achieved a level of professional stature commensurate with this responsibility. It is also desirable that he/she have had some contact with engineering education within the past six years.

The individual must be one who is perceived by the academic community as being a peer in the program area being evaluated.
Program evaluators are subject to the ABET Code of Conduct and must exhibit the highest standards of professionalism, honesty, and integrity in the pursuit of their duties. Impartiality, fairness and equity are required.

Program evaluators are judged on a competency model that expects them to be:

  • Technically current
  • Effective Communicators
  • Interpersonally skilled
  • Team Oriented
  • Professional
  • Organized

Additionally, prospective program evaluators must meet the following minimum qualifications:

  • Demonstrated interest in improving education
  • Membership in one or more ABET member societies or willingness to become a member prior to applying to serve as an evaluator. Membership in TMS is highly encouraged
  • Formal education and recognized distinction in their field.
  • Program evaluators with an industry or government background must possess the following: Degree appropriate to the field or experience in employment of graduates from accredited programs
  • Program evaluators with an academic background must possess the following: Degree appropriate to the field and experience with the accreditation process (desirable)
  • Internet and e-mail access and proficiency in using word processing programs (compatible with Microsoft Word), spreadsheets and PDF files

Once a program evaluator applicant is approved, successful completion of ABET’s face-to-face program evaluator candidate training and an observer visit are required. TMS also requests that they attend accreditation committee meetings held twice a year in-person or remotely.

Additional Society-Required Training
TMS requires program evaluators to attend TMS refresher training in-person or remotely once every two years to remain on the active list. TMS refresher training sessions are held at the TMS Annual Meeting in the spring and at the Materials Science and Technology Conference in the fall. Additional training may be held at other times.

Recruitment Timeline
Applications are reviewed twice a year at the TMS Annual Meeting in the spring and at the Materials Science and Technology Conference in the fall.

Society Contact
Janel Show