We were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of John A. Weese, Ph.D., P.E., on July 31, 2020. He had served as an ABET program evaluator and team chair representing the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) for over 30 years.
After earning his BSME from Kansas State University (K-State) in 1955, Weese received a Standard Oil full scholarship to continue his engineering education at Cornell University, where he earned an M.S. and a Ph.D. in engineering mechanics. Weese served in the Air Force, taught at the U.S. Air Force Academy and worked for Boeing before returning to academia, where he became a leader in engineering education. He eventually retired in 2005 as an Emeritus Regents Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University-College Station.
Weese joined the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) in 1960 and ASME in 1963. ASME colleagues recommended him for service as an ABET program evaluator. During his tenure with ABET, he went on 24 accreditation visits as a program evaluator or team chair, and he also served as a member of the Engineering Accreditation Commission. Later, ASEE appointed Weese as its representative to the ABET Board of Directors.
Weese held many leadership positions in his professional societies and received distinguished awards from each of them. He was a 1986 ASEE Fellow, a 1991 ASME Fellow, the 1994 recipient of ASME’s Ben C. Sparks Medal, a 1997 ABET Fellow and 1999-2000 ASEE President. He also joined the K-State Engineering Hall of Fame in 1990.
We are truly grateful for the dedication and time John A. Weese gave to ABET, and he will be missed. Read his full obituary and learn how to make a donation in his name here.