Substantial Equivalency

We are no longer conducting substantial equivalency evaluations.

In the past, ABET evaluated programs outside the U.S., by institutional request, to determine if they were “substantially equivalent” to ABET-accredited programs.

“Substantial equivalency” means that a program is comparable in program content and educational experience, but may differ in format or method of delivery. It implies reasonable confidence that the program has prepared its graduates to begin professional practice at the entry level. While these evaluations followed policies and procedures similar to those used for accreditation, no accreditation action was taken, nor was there any assumption that a program undergoing accreditation would be accredited as a result of such review.

Substantial equivalency is not binding on colleges, universities, employers, or licensing agencies. Most of the programs that were recognized as substantially equivalent have now been accredited.

Please see our Accredited Program Search for a complete list of ABET-accredited programs.

Substantial equivalency is not binding on colleges, universities, employers, or licensing agencies.

The following programs are recognized by ABET as being substantially equivalent. Recognition is effective from October 1st to September 30th of the years indicated below.

  • Chile

    Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

    Chemical Engineering (C.Eng. of Ind.), 2003 – 2009

    Civil Engineering (C.Eng.), 2003 – 2009

    Computer Engineering (C.Eng. of Ind.), 2003 – 2009

    Electrical Engineering (C.Eng. of Ind.), 2003 – 2009

    Mechanical Engineering (C.Eng. of Ind.), 2003 – 2009

  • Colombia

    Universidad de los Andes

    Civil Engineering, 1992 – 2001

    Electrical Engineering, 1992 – 2001

    Industrial Engineering, 1992 – 2001

    Mechanical Engineering, 1992 – 2001

    Systems & Computer Engineering, 1992 – 2001

    Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla

    Industrial Engineering, 1996 – 2002

    Mechanical Engineering, 1996 – 2002

  • Germany

    University of Karlsruhe

    Electrical Engineering (Dipl.-Ing. – MSEE), 2001 – 2008

  • Iceland

    University of Iceland

    Civil Engineering, 1993 – 1999

    Electrical Engineering, 1993 – 1999

    Mechanical Engineering, 1993 – 1999

  • Kuwait

    Kuwait University

    Chemical Engineering (B.S.), 1990 – 2008

    Civil Engineering (B.S.), 1990 – 2008

    Computer Engineering (B.S.), 1990 – 2008

    Electrical Engineering (B.S.), 1990 – 2008

    Industrial and Management Systems Engineering (B.S.), 2002 – 2008

    Mechanical Engineering (B.S.), 1990 – 2008

    Petroleum Engineering (B.S.), 1990 – 2008

  • Mexico

    Autonomous University of Nuevo León

    Civil Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – , 2010

    ITESM, Campus Estado de Mexico

    Computer Systems for Management (B.S.), 2006 – 2012

    Electronics and Communications Engineering (B.S.), 2002 – 2009

    Electronics and Computer Engineering (B.S.), 2002 – 2009

    Industrial and Systems Engineering (B.S), 2002 – 2009

    Mechanical Engineering (B.S.), 2002 – 2009

    ITESM, Campus San Luis

    Industrial and Systems Engineering (B.S), 2004 – 2010

    ITESM, Campus Toluca

    Electronic Systems Engineering (B.S.), 2006 – 2010

    Industrial and Systems Engineering (B.S), 2006 – 2010

    Mechanical Engineering (with minor in Industrial Engineering) (B.S.), 2006 – 2010

    ITESM, Ciudad de Mexico

    Electronics and Communications Engineering (B.S.), 2003 – 2009

    Industrial and Systems Engineering (B.S.), 2003 – 2009

    Mechanical Engineering (minor in Electrical Engineering and Industrial Engineering) (B.S.), 2003 – 2009

    ITESM, Monterrey Campus

    Chemical and Industrial Engineering (B.S.), 1992 – 2008

    Chemical and Systems Engineering (B.S.), 1992 – 2008

    Civil Engineering (B.S), 1992 – 2008

    Computer Systems Engineering (B.S.), 2001 – 2008

    Electronics & Communications Engineering (B.S.), 1992 – 2008

    Industrial and Systems Engineering (B.S.), 1992 – 2008

    Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (B.S.), 1992 – 2008

    ITESM, Queretaro Campus

    Computer Systems Engineering (B.S.), 1993 – 2010

    Electronic Systems Engineering (B.S.), 1993 – 2010

    Electronics and Communications Engineering (B.S.), 1993 – 2010

  • Netherlands

    Delft University of Technology

    Aerospace Engineering (B.S.), 1995 – 2008

    Chemical Engineering (B.S.), 2001 – 2007

    Civil Engineering (B.S.), 2001 – 2007

    Electrical Engineering (B.S.), 1997 – 2004

    Geodetic Engineering (B.S.), 2001 – 2007

    Materials Science and Engineering (B.S.), 2001 – 2007

    Mechanical Engineering (B.S.), 2001 – 2007

    Naval and Marine Engineering (B.S.), 2001 – 2007

    Eindhoven University of Technology

    Chemical Engineering (B.S.), June 1, 2001 – Sept. 30, 2008

    Electrical Engineering (B.S.), June 1, 2001 – Sept. 30, 2008

    Industrial Engineering (B.S.),
    Oct. 1, 1989 – Sept. 30, 1995 and June 1, 2001 – Sept. 30, 2008

    Mechanical Engineering (B.S.), June 1, 2001 – Sept. 30, 2008

  • Peru


    Industrial Automation and Electronics Program (B.S.), 2006 – 2012

  • Qatar

    Qatar University

    Chemical Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2011

    Civil Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2011

    Electrical Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2011

    Mechanical Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2011

  • Russia

    Taganrog Institute of Technology – Southern Federal University*

    Computer Engineering (BETCE) 2005 – 2011

    Electrical Engineering (BETEE) 2005 – 2011

    Tomsk Polytechnic University

    Electrical Engineering (B.S.) 2006 – 2012

  • Saudi Arabia

    King Abdul Aziz University

    Aeronautical Engineering (B.S.), 2003 – 2009

    Biomedical Engineering (B.S.), 2003 – 2009

    Chemical and Materials Engineering (B.S.), 2003 – 2009

    Civil Engineering (B.S.), 2003 – 2009

    Computer and Control Engineering (B.S.), 2003 – 2009

    Computer Engineering (B.S.), 2003 – 2009

    Electric Power and Machine Engineering (B.S.), 2003 – 2009

    Electronics and Communications Engineering (B.S.), 2003 – 2009

    Industrial Engineering (B.S.), 2003 – 2009

    Mining Engineering (B.S.), 2003 – 2009

    Nuclear Engineering (B.S.), 2003 – 2009

    Production Engineering and Mechanical System Design Engineering (B.S.), 2003 – 2009

    Thermal Engineering and Desalination Technology (B.S.), 2003 – 2009

    King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

    Applied Chemical Engineering (B.S.), 2002 – 2009

    Applied Civil Engineering (B.S.), 2002 – 2009

    Applied Electrical Engineering (B.S.), 2002 – 2009

    Applied Mechanical Engineering (B.S.), 2002 – 2009

    Architecture Engineering (B.S.), 1993 – 2009

    Chemical Engineering (B.S.), 1993 – 2009

    Civil Engineering (B.S.), 1993 – 2009

    Computer Engineering (B.S.), 1993 – 2009

    Computer Science (B.S.), 2002 – 2009

    Construction Engineering and Management (M.S. and M.E.)*, 1993 – 2009

    Electrical Engineering (B.S.), 1993 – 2009

    Systems Engineering – Industrial Engineering and Organization (B.S.)**, 1993 – 2009

    Mechanical Engineering (B.S.), 1993 – 2009

    Petroleum Engineering (B.S.), 1993 – 2009

    Systems Engineering – Automation and Control (B.S.)***, 1993 – 2009

  • Singapore

    National University of Singapore

    Information Systems (B.S.), 2006 – 2012

    Chemical Engineering (B.S.), 1999 – 2005

    Computer Science (B.S.), 2006 – 2012

  • South Korea

    Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

    Aerospace Engineering, 1992 – 1998

    Ceramic Science and Engineering, 1992 – 1998

    Chemical Engineering, 1992 – 1998

    Civil Engineering, 1992 – 1998

    Electrical Engineering, 1992 – 1998

    Electronics Materials Science and Engineering, 1992 – 1998

    Industrial Engineering, 1992 – 1998

    Materials Science and Engineering, 1992 – 1998

    Mechanical Engineering, 1992 – 1998

    Nuclear Engineering, 1992 – 1998

    Precision Engineering and Mechatronics, 1992 – 1998

  • Spain

    Institut Quimic de Sarria

    Chemical Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2010

  • Sultanate of Oman

    Sultan Qaboos University

    Civil Engineering (B.Eng.), 2006 – 2012

    Electrical and Computer Engineering (B.Eng.), 2006 – 2012

    Mechanical Engineering (B.Eng.), 2006 – 2012

    Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (B.Eng.), 2006 – 2012

  • Turkey

    Bilkent University

    Computer Engineering (B.S.), 2006 – 2012

    Electrical and Electronics Engineering (B.S.)*, 1997 – 2012

    Industrial Engineering (B.S.), 1995 – 2008

    Bogazici University

    Chemical Engineering (B.S), 1998 – 2010

    Civil Engineering (B.S.), 1998 – 2010

    Computer Engineering (B.S.), 1998 – 2010

    Electrical and Electronics Engineering (B.S), 1998 – 2010

    Industrial Engineering (B.S.), 1998 – 2010

    Mechanical Engineering (B.S.), 1998 – 2010

    Eastern Mediterranean University

    Electrical and Electronics Engineering (B.S.), 2005 – 2011

    Mechanical Engineering (B.S.), 2005 – 2011

    Istanbul Technical University

    Aeronautical Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2010

    Astronautical Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2010

    Chemical Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2010

    Civil Engineering (B.S.), 2005 – 2011

    Computer Engineering (B.S.), 2005 – 2011

    Control Engineering (B.S.), 2005 – 2011

    Electrical Engineering (B.S.), 2005 – 2011

    Electronics and Communications Engineering (B.S.), 2005 – 2011

    Environmental Engineering (B.S.), 2005 – 2011

    Food Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2010

    Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2010

    Geological Engineering (B.S.), 2005 – 2011

    Geophysical Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2010

    Industrial Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2010

    Mechanical Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2010

    Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2010

    Mining Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2010

    Naval Architecture Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2010

    Ocean Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2010

    Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (B.S.), 2005 – 2011

    Textile Engineering (B.S.), 2004 – 2010

    Middle East Technical University

    Aerospace Engineering (B.S.), 2002 – 2009

    Chemical Engineering (B.S.), 1994 – 2010

    Civil Engineering (B.S.), 1996 – 2010

    Computer Engineering (B.S.), 2002 – 2009

    Electrical and Electronics Engineering (B.S.), 1996 – 2010

    Environmental Engineering (B.S.), 2002 – 2009

    Food Engineering (B.S.), 2002 – 2009

    Geological Engineering (B.S.), 2002 – 2009

    Industrial Engineering (B.S.), 2002 – 2009

    Mechanical Engineering (B.S.), 1996 – 2010

    Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (B.S.), 1996 – 2010

    Mining Engineering (B.S.), 1994 – 2010

    Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (B.S.), 2002 – 2009

  • United Arab Emirates

    United Arab Emirates University

    Chemical Engineering (B.S.), 1998 – 2010

    Civil Engineering (B.S.), 1998 – 2010

    Electrical Engineering (B.S.), 1998 – 2010

    Electrical Engineering (Communications)(B.S.)*, 1998 – 2010

    Mechanical Engineering (B.S.), 1998 – 2010

    Petroleum Engineering (B.S.), 1998 – 2010