ABET, a leading global provider of quality assurance in higher education, continues to strengthen its relationship with the International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE). As a member of INQAAHE, ABET joins over 300 other quality assurance (QA) organizations in advancing the practice and theory of QA in higher education worldwide.

Founded in 1991 with just eight members, INQAAHE now boasts a diverse membership that includes QA providers, organizations, and individuals dedicated to promoting excellence in higher education. Headquartered in Barcelona, Spain, INQAAHE serves as a forum for discussing global QA issues, facilitating cross-border education and enabling members to share insights and best practices.

INQAAHE plays a pivotal role in setting international standards for External Quality Assurance (EQA) providers through rigorous reviews based on International Standards and Guidelines (ISGs). These guidelines ensure that EQA agencies, such as ABET, adhere to globally accepted standards, fostering trust, relevance and credibility in their quality assurance measures.

ABET’s alignment with INQAAHE’s guidelines underscores its commitment to maintaining the highest standards in QA reviews for higher education institutions and programs globally. This recognition affirms ABET’s capability to effectively engage in QA activities globally.

Recently, ABET’s CEO Dr. Michael K. J. Milligan, attended the INQAAHE Forum 2024 in Bucharest, Romania. The forum, themed “Understanding the Dimensions of Social Responsibility in Tertiary Education,” highlighted the significant role tertiary institutions play in societal development beyond academic excellence and professional growth.

The forum’s agenda spanned four days, beginning with Pre-Forum Workshops on June 10, followed by two days of intensive discussions and a Social Day on June 13. Participants explored the transformative potential of quality assurance through various subtopics, including fostering civic engagement, bridging the gap to quality education for all, designing curricula for societal impact and creating opportunities for lifelong learning.

The INQAAHE Forum provided a platform for collaboration, idea exchange and networking, equipping attendees with a comprehensive understanding of how quality assurance can drive positive societal change. By fostering global perspectives and innovative strategies, the forum reinforced the critical role of tertiary education in shaping a better future for individuals and communities worldwide.