ABET is continuing to improve the accreditation process by updating the Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual (APPM) for the 2011-12 accreditation cycle.


At its October 2010 meeting, the ABET Board of Directors approved an updated version of the Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual (APPM), the document governs the ABET accreditation process. This revised version of the APPM will be in effect for all reviews during the 2011-12 accreditation cycle.


  • Programs seeking initial accreditation must have at least one graduate and provide ABET Headquarters with a transcript prior to the on-site visit.
    • Please reference APPM Section II.E. Eligibility of Programs for Accreditation Review, sub-section II.E.5., page 7.
  • ABET has revised the text to be used in publications that inform the public regarding ABET accreditation. APPM II.A.6. states, “Each accredited program must be specifically identified as ’accredited by the (_________) Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org.’” The street address and telephone number of ABET are no longer required in this notification.
  • Please carefully review all sub-sections of APPM Section II.A. Public Release of Accreditation Information by the Institution, pages 3-4.
  • The Show Cause (SC) accreditation action previously required a focused on-site visit but has been replaced with two possible actions:
    • Show Cause Report (SCR)
    • Show Cause Visit (SCV)
  • These actions result when a deficiency has not been resolved prior to the commission decision on accreditation. Based on the deficiency’s nature, the Commission will determine whether the subsequent focused review will require only a report (SCR) or will also require an on-site visit (SCV).
  • ABET has added an action required of a program that receives a Show Cause Report (SCR) or Show Cause Visit (SCV) action. APPM II.G.12.b. states, “ABET expects the institution to notify students and faculty that the program is required to make specific corrective actions to maintain accreditation.”
  • ABET has revised the date that accreditation expires after a Not to Accredit (NA) action.
    • APPM II.G.12.i.(2) states, “A ‘Not to Accredit‘ action, as a result of a ’Show Cause‘ focused review, is effective September 30 of the year of the ‘Not to Accredit’ decision, pending final action on any request from the institution for immediate revisit, reconsideration, or appeal.” Prior to 2011-12, accreditation extended a year beyond the “Not to Accredit” decision. Please carefully review all sub-sections of II.G.12. Accreditation Actions, pages 13-14.


This alert highlights revisions that may noticeably affect programs in the upcoming cycle but does not identify all revisions to the APPM. Each program should review the entire 2011-12 Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual to insure compliance.