ABET recently partnered with La Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Ingeniería (ACOFI) and Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Ciencias (ACOFACIEN) to host a 90-minute webinar Medicion y Evaluacion de Resultados de Apredizaje para Demostrar Mejora Continoua.
The webinar, presented in Spanish, discussed the implementation of effective measurement and evaluation cycles of student outcomes is key to establishing a process of continuous improvement in educational programs. ABET presenters Humberto Gómez and Kevin Huggins led the discussion, addressing the structure of these cycles and how results can enhance curricular design and teaching methodologies.
Thank you to the more than 500 attendees from Colombia and the region who joined us for this insightful conversation! Keep the discussion going by attending one of our program assessment workshops.
Did you miss the webinar? You can catch it above anytime!