Additional Resources
We assist institutions and programs new to accreditation by providing assessment planning resources, webinars on assessment and accreditation topics, event presentation archives, assessment events and advisory services throughout the year.

Events & Workshops
Program Assessment Workshops
Led by highly experienced faculty with wide-ranging experience in assessment and evaluation, these one-day workshops deliver the essential tools and guidance that you need to implement a successful assessment process.
The ABET Symposium
The Symposium features more than 60 peer-reviewed sessions on assessment and accreditation processes, as well as Pre-Symposium Workshops featuring assessment topics.
The Institute for the Development of Excellence in Assessment Leadership (IDEAL)
IDEAL is a four-day institute that focuses on the skills and knowledge you will need to be an effective assessment leader and to manage the change process in your program or college.
Free ABET webinars cover a range of topics in accreditation and assessment. These web-based presentations may be viewed at your convenience and most are available for download.
Assessment Reading List
These planning tools and articles will help you develop your program’s assessment process. Each one contains proven guidance for designing an effective assessment plan.
ABET frequently receives requests to recommend individuals or organizations that provide accreditation advising services. ABET recommends interested parties contact ABET Bridge for further assistance.