Readiness Review

What is the Readiness Review?

The Readiness Review ensures that your program is prepared for the accreditation review process before investing the time and resources for the on-site visit.

If your program is seeking initial accreditation and is housed in an institution with no currently ABET-accredited programs in your commission, you will be required to undergo a Readiness Review prior to submitting a formal Request for Evaluation (RFE)

If you are not sure whether you need to do a Readiness Review, contact

Required Documents

The following information is for the 2025-26 Readiness Review submission that is due October 1, 2024.  Information specific to the 2026-27 Readiness Review Cycle will be posted by April 1, 2025.

  1. Request a Readiness Review (RREv) – Inform ABET of your intent by completing the online RREv form (a login credential is not required) by August 15, two weeks prior to the September 1 deadline for submitting the required Readiness Report and transcript.  The online RREv link will not become activated until April 2025. (Preferred browser for the RREv link: Google Chrome. Alternatives include Mozilla FireFox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.)
  2. Readiness Report – Submit one Readiness  Report along with one transcript per program by September 1 of the year before you plan to submit a Request for Evaluation (RFE).
  3. Transcript – Include a scanned copy of one graduate’s official transcript from the most recent graduating class with the Readiness Report by September 1.  Refer to the below applicable Readiness Review Template Section I.G. for the detailed transcript requirements.  All materials must be submitted electronically via the ABET portal (which will be provided when the submitted RREv is accepted).  No submission after the September 1 deadline nor an email submission will be accepted.

Things to consider prior to submitting an online RREv:

  • Limit the number of programs requesting a Readiness Review to no more than three per ABET commission
  • Submit one online RREv form per institution and designate one contact person per institution for all the programs listed on the request form regardless of the number of ABET commissions
  • Check with if you are not sure if ABET can consider sending a review team to your country/area due to safety and security considerations in the foreseeable future before investing time in preparing for a Readiness Review

Preparing the Readiness Report

Use the applicable Readiness Review Template for your accreditation commission to prepare a Readiness Review Report.

The following templates and documents are specific to the 2025-26 Readiness Review Cycle.  (Updates specific to the 2026-27 Readiness Review Cycle will be posted by April 1, 2025.)



CAC-EAC Joint Review Program


EAC Master’s Level – Integrated Baccalaureate-Master’s Program

EAC Master’s Level – Stand Alone Program


Please refer to the Information for Programs Requesting Readiness Review for:

  • A Readiness Review timeline
  • Guidance on preparing a Readiness Review Report
  • Information on Readiness Review outcomes
  • Post-Readiness Review options for institutions/programs

Resources for Preparing a Readiness Review submission:

  • Free ABET webinars and assessment planning tools and articles cover a range of topics in accreditation and assessment.
  • Information webinar – To be scheduled for late July/early August.  Specific date and time will be posted by July 2025.
  • ABET Bridge – ABET frequently receives requests to recommend individuals or organizations that provide accreditation advising services. ABET recommends interested parties contact ABET Bridge for further assistance.


Your program may receive one of three recommendations as the outcome of a Readiness Review:

  1. A recommendation to submit the Request for Evaluation (RFE) in the immediate upcoming accreditation review cycle.
  2.  A recommendation to postpone the RFE submission unless substantive changes in the Self-Study preparation and documentation are made.
  3. A recommendation not to submit the RFE in the immediate upcoming accreditation review cycle because it is likely to be rejected.

If your program completes a Readiness Review and continues in the review process, please note that you must use the applicable Self-Study Template with paying attention to the applicable Criteria for the Review Cycle you would like to initiate to prepare a final Self-Study Report that is due July 1.

Readiness Review fees

The fee for a Readiness Review is US $1,130 per program for a given commission.

Invoices for Readiness Review fees with the payment instruction will be sent to institutions (via in October following the September 1 submission deadline.  The required payment should be completed by November 30.

Learn More

Section I.C.5.b. of the most up-to-date Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual (APPM) offers detailed instructions and policies related to the Readiness Review.  If there is interest in learning about the internal guidelines given to Readiness Reviewers on how to conduct a Readiness Review, see this Readiness Review Guidelines document.