Submitting Interim Review Reports

ABET requires that a program submit a report in lieu of a self-study when requesting any type of interim review.

The report describes in detail the actions the program has taken to address the shortcomings: Deficiencies, Weaknesses, and/or Concerns, remaining in the previous Final Statement to the Institution.

The institution should prepare a single report that contains a section for each program for which an interim review is required.

If an interim review is required by more than one Commission for the set of programs from your institution, then a separate report should be prepared for each Commission, reflecting the previous Final Statement from that Commission.

An interim review typically uses the accreditation criteria in effect at the time of the previous comprehensive review. However, a program may elect to base its interim review on criteria in effect at the time of the interim review.

To begin an interim review, the program submits a Request for Evaluation (RFE) by January 31st in order to secure a review in the same calendar year.

The format for the report is the prerogative of the institution/program and depends upon the nature of the shortcoming(s) addressed and the information provided. CAC, EAC and ETAC provide templates for submitting Interim Reports which can be found under the respective commissions’ templates.

  • Address shortcomings concisely in the same order as they appeared in the most recent Final Statement to the Institution.
  • Provide context to the shortcomings as the Team Chair performing the interim review will not have access to the self-study report from the previous General Review.
  • For each shortcoming, address all points cited in the Final Statement for that shortcoming.
  • Limit attachments to essentials.

Submission Format

The Interim Report should be uploaded to your Institution’s ABET homepage as pdf read-only files by July 1.

The Team Chair will be able to access the Interim Report through the ABET Accreditation Management System.

Please do not send or submit in emails, through the mail or on a USB flash drive.

Team Chairs are typically assigned in May. If your institution has both an Interim Report and Interim Visit review from the same Commission, the same Team Chair from that Commission will review the Interim Report and lead the visiting team. Program evaluators for the interim visit will be assigned in the usual manner and copies of the Interim Report will be provided upon direction by the Team Chair.

If you have any questions, please send an email to