Statements on Diversity and Inclusion, Professional Licensure and Partnering

Diversity and Inclusion

ABET Principles: Diversity and Inclusion
Approved by Board of Directors

ABET accreditation is focused on programs producing graduates prepared to enter the global workforce in the applied and natural sciences, computing, engineering, and engineering technology professions. To succeed in these global professions, graduates must be prepared to thrive in diverse and inclusive environments.

ABET staff, volunteers, and leadership are committed to diversity and inclusion through developing and using the talents of all persons who study or work in our fields of interest. Our global professions require creativity and innovation, which are best achieved when persons with varied perspectives, experiences, and talents work toward a common goal.

We believe that understanding and experiencing diversity and inclusion in higher education are critical to competitiveness, innovation, and our social and economic futures. Further, we expect our accredited programs to support this vision.

We are committed to

  • promoting diversity and inclusion in accreditation operations and governance through the work of staff, volunteers, and leadership;
  • encouraging diverse talents to be used in accreditation operations and ABET governance; and
  • promoting inclusive practices and diversity in our accredited educational programs.

Professional Licensure

We encourage graduates of ABET-accredited programs and other educationally qualified persons who work or practice in the applied science, computing, engineering and engineering technology professions to strive for professional recognition by enhancing their individual credentials through licensure and certification.

Licensure and certification are among the recognized methods of demonstrating to the public an individual’s competency, qualification and expertise in professional practice.

Moreover, licensure and licensure-related certification indicate a practicing professional’s commitment to understanding their professional, ethical and societal responsibilities, and the importance of protecting the public health, safety and welfare within society.


We recognize that our ability to fulfill our vision, mission and strategic plan relies almost entirely on having the appropriate resources to do so: human, financial and otherwise.

Therefore, we pursue needed resources in accordance with the governing principles set forth in the ABET Constitution, Bylaws and Rules of Procedure, and to the customer-service principles set forth in the ABET Quality Promise.

Whenever possible, this will involve partnering or forming alliances with organizations that share common goals.

Such organizations may be nonprofit, for-profit, or governmental agencies based in the United States or outside of the United States.

They may be associations, corporations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), peer quality assurance organizations or others.

General Principles of ABET Partnerships

Partnerships provide us with either financial support, in-kind support or both and may include any or all of the following elements: grantmaking, sponsorship, licensing, message promotion, employee involvement and advocacy.

No matter what type of support an ABET partnership provides, it must:

  • Further our vision, mission, and/or strategic plan.
  • Clearly benefit one or more of pur constituencies (which include institutions, professional societies, the general public and the technical professions).
  • Adhere to the governing principles set forth in our Constitution, Bylaws and Rules of Procedure.
  • Be consistent with the customer service principles set forth in the ABET Quality Promise.
  • Mutually benefit all partners.
  • Give appropriate attribution to ABET.

In addition, an ABET partnership:

  • Does not imply endorsement of products or services provided by the partner.
  • Will avoid any and all real or perceived conflicts of interest.
  • Will be managed by ABET staff ethically and with integrity.
  • Will comply with applicable local, state and national laws.
  • Will not prevent ABET from exercising independent judgment in all decision-making.
  • Will be disclosed to the public.
  • Will be documented through written agreement.
  • Will include a timeline with specified beginning and ending dates.
  • Will incur no unbudgeted financial liability for ABET.

Any use of the ABET name, logo, and identifying marks shall be reviewed and approved by ABET in advance of their use.

Nonprofit Partnerships

Formal partnership between ABET and any nonprofit entity shall be called an ABET-nonprofit partnership.

We have long understood the importance of partnering with nonprofit entities to assure quality and stimulate innovation in applied science, computing, engineering and engineering technology education. Not only was ABET founded via nonprofit partnership—partnership among disparate professional and technical societies—but, over 80 years later, we continue to operate as a nonprofit partnership—a federation of more than two-dozen professional and technical societies, working together to achieve shared goals.

Partnering with others in the nonprofit community:

  • Strengthens our support among community leaders.
  • Provides the opportunity to leverage mutually limited resources.
  • Enhances ABET recognition and helps broadcast its achievements, opportunities and core messages to all levels of the vast communities it serves.

Corporate Partnerships

Formal partnership between ABET and any for-profit entity shall be called an ABET-corporate partnership. While ABET-corporate partnerships are a more recent development in ABET’s history, these partnerships have been rich and mutually beneficial.

Partnering with corporations:

  • Provides financial opportunities not available in other sectors we serve.
  • Raises ABET’s profile among corporate leadership and employees within the broad industries it serves who might not otherwise be aware of the organization and our activities.
  • Provides input from one of our most important yet underrepresented constituencies.

Governmental Partnerships

Formal partnership between ABET and any government agency shall be called an ABET-governmental partnership. Governmental partnerships have allowed us to make a significant impact on the communities we serve, particularly among post-secondary programs and institutions.

Partnering with national agencies:

  • Offers consistent financial support for even the largest of ABET’s projects.
  • Provides an external evaluator/consultant for our initiatives.
  • Permits ABET to serve as an evaluator/consultant for its initiatives.
  • Confers national or international recognition and validation of ABET’s initiatives.