On October 31, we installed new officers at the ABET Board of Directors meeting during our Fall Governance Meetings.
The following new officers were welcomed: William J. Wepfer, Ph.D., as President; Dianne Chong, Ph.D., as Past President; S. K. Ramesh, Ph.D., as President-Elect; and Barbara Price, Ph.D., as Secretary. David L. Whitman, Ph.D., P.E., continues in his role as Treasurer.

In addition, Stephen M. Phillips, Ph.D., joined the Board as the new Engineering Area Director, and Sarah Rajala, Ph.D., joined as the new At-Large Director.
We also recognized three outgoing Board Members: David P. Kelly, M.S., MBA, Gillian Bond, Ph.D., and Kristen P. Constant, Ph.D.
The ABET Board of Directors has 13 members, including five officers, four area directors, two at-large directors, one public director and ABET’s executive director and CEO (non-voting).
The full list of ABET’s 2021-2022 Officers and Directors can be found here.