ABET is proud to announce its participation in the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) 2024 Annual Conference, that took place Sept. 2-5 at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland.  

This year, the conference welcomed participants from across the globe, focused on advancing engineering education. SEFI, considered as the largest network of engineering education players in Europe, presented the exchange of ideas and best practices among educators, researchers and industry stakeholders at the conference. Under the theme “Educating Responsible Engineers,” this conference explored innovative ways to integrate social and environmental responsibility into engineering curricula, ensuring that future graduates are well-equipped to address contemporary challenges.  

Dr. Michael Milligan and Cindy Cooper at SEFI.

ABET CEO Dr. Michael K. J. Milligan participated in an invited workshop titled “Engineering Outreach: Examples, Evaluation and Evidencing,” where he engaged with fellow experts on strategies for fostering impactful outreach initiatives. The workshop featured a diverse panel, including Hanne Deprez, Sofie Craps, Gillian Guerne, Elisabeth Huelse, Klara Kövesi, Margaret Morgan, Susie Ye and Natalie Wint, along with Milligan. This collaborative effort aimed to equip educators with tools and frameworks to navigate the complexities of today’s educational landscape. Notably, Cindy Cooper from the Lemelson Foundation showcased the “Engineering for One Planet” workshops, emphasizing sustainability in engineering education. 

As a member of SEFI and the European Association of Engineering Educators, ABET is committed to contributing to the continuous improvement of engineering education across Europe. By participating in this prestigious conference, ABET aims to foster international collaboration and promote high educational standards that reflect the evolving needs of the engineering profession. 

The SEFI Annual Conference serves as a crucial platform for stakeholders in engineering education to connect, share insights and collaboratively address the challenges faced in the field. ABET’s involvement highlights its dedication to promoting quality education and preparing engineers to become responsible stewards of society.